Where can I buy Granactive Retinoid in Canada? Why was it discontinued?

We have some happy news. If you are a lover of the ingredient Hydroxpinacolone Retinoate, sometimes known as Granactive Retinoid, but have not been able to find it in Canada since it was discontinued for sale by Health Canada then look no further.

We have received written confirmation from Health Canada that this ingredient is no longer restricted for use in Canada and can now be sold to Canadians for use as a skincare product. We are thrilled to announce that our Cyberderm Retin+Erase with 1% active Hydroxypinacolone Retinoate (HPR), the equivalent of 10% Granactive Retinoid, is now available for sale to all Canadians (and globally)! At The Sunscreen Company, we love to offer the best in continuing skincare and sunscreen education, so make sure to follow us on IG @thesunscreencompany.


After extensive safety review, this ingredient is no longer classified as for prescription drugs only. It can now be used in cosmetic products. Health Canada has said they continue to monitor this ingredient but it currently has no usage restrictions. You can therefore shop it directly from our website here.

Want to learn all about Hydroxpinacolone Retinoate? How does it compare to retinol? How strong is it? How should you use it? What is the difference between Hydroxpinacolone Retinoate and Granactive Retinoid? We’ve got all of your most frequently asked questions about this amazing ingredient in our handy guide: What is Hydroxypinacolone Retinoate?

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