Posts tagged Botox
A Derm’s Favourites: My Favourite In-Office Procedures Based on Your Age

I’ve been using laser technology in my dermatology practice since the mid-1980’s and needless to say that I’ve pretty much seen and played with them all. My husband and I pooled our savings together to buy our first laser. It was this massive, hugely expensive machine but we felt it was worth the investment to be able to treat port wine stains and other vascular lesions. We now currently have about 20 different light-based systems in my practice, Laserderm TM, in Ottawa. They all offer a different type of precision and tailored results so I love that we can offer our patients the perfect customized solution for their needs. With that being said, here are some of my favourites based on your age range. Of course, it goes without saying that having a good skincare early on, will determine the level of photo and chronological aging that someone has and what level of intervention is needed on our part as well.

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